DRS4D-NXT Allignment


New member

I really like this forum and it has helped answer a lot of questions in the past. This one I could not get an answer to, however.

I just finished the install of my new DRS4D-NXT radome on a scanstrut LMB-A2 strut on the backstay.
I did not mount the radome backwards facing, but as per instructions with the little marker pointing towards the bow.
Unfortunately, due the fact that it is mounted on a split backstay, there is a slight misalignment of about 8-10 degrees.

Can this misalignment be compensated with the alignment setting in the software, without affecting the doppler functionality?

I truly hope so, otherwise I have to take the radome off the bracket and turn and redrill the mounting bracket, which is an extra hassle.

Thanks for the confirmation.
That is what I hoped for. It saves me some extra work.

Thanks again