DRS4D-NXT Install Question


Hi, just finishing up the install and checkout of my new DRS4D-NXT and it occurred to me (perhaps too late ;-) that I might need to do something different from the what the installation calls for. After carefully pulling the cable through the flybridge bulkhead and up the mast, I connected it to the pigtail and dilligently performed the two-part waterproof wrapping procedure, first with self-annealing tape, followed by vinyl (high-quality electrical) tape. As I stood on the dock this afternoon and looked up at the radar, it occurred to me that there might (still) be an issue with waterproofing as the outer vinyl layer will, at some point, break down from salt exposure. What's the word on what I might do here to give it a bit more protection...should I add heat shrink to the overall (now quite fat!) joint? And in case you might ask the obvious, no I cannot tuck this now large diameter (at least 7/8") connector back into the mast hole where the cable was led as it's much too fat due to the tape! Thanks!
The outer vinyl electrical tape provides zero waterproofing from the start. It only protects the rubber/selfannealing tape. It could potentially less UV resistant than the electrical tape or come unwrapped if applied without expert skill and the electrical tape keeps it tight.
And it's a new to Furuno radar process, but it's been used on radio towers for decades and is very proven.

The two part wrap can last decades... If you study a cell site or radio station tower sometime you will see that the BFC will have a ground lead coming out at the bottom of the tower where it enters the building. Same procedure is used to protect that junction.